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Is Save A Sample a 501(c)(3)?


Save A Sample! is a 501(c)(3) please talk to your accounting team about your donation(s). Our tax ID is 27-2065837.



Where does Save A Sample! take place?


Save A Sample! does not occur at a single location. Instead, it's a series of activities that make up the event. This year, the Save A Sample! Design Recycling Drive will take place in eleven (11) design markets: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Diego, San Francisco, Washington DC. and Wilmington.



What materials can we donate?


The more interesting your samples, the better. When you're gathering your materials, ask yourself "Would I use this for a school project?" If the answer is a resounding "no", then re-think its donation potential.

Each firm is limited to donating a maximum of 10 boxes.


Donations can include, but are not limited to the following:


- carpet samples (loose samples only, 12 x 12 or smaller. No carpet books.)

- fabric samples (memo samples only, no chain sets)

- glass samples*

- tile samples*

- stone samples*

- metal samples

- wood samples

- laminate samples


* Glass, tile, stone, metal samples should be less than 12x12"


Please DO NOT donate: Sweets Catalogs, Code Books, Binders from before 2010, Carpet Books, Material Boards (i.e. brick boards), or anything that could not be easily incorporated into a project.

Can our firm participate in the Save A Sample! without referring sponsors?


No. The purpose of Save A Sample! is not only to recycle literature and samples, but to fund our scholarships. However, you can self-sponsor by donating at least $150, then you will be able to participate without additional sponsors.



Does SpecSimple provide boxes? What size are they? How many can we have?  


In the past, Save A Sample! provided boxes, but now we request firms use copy paper sized boxes (which all firms have access to). This gives us a consistent sized box without adding to landfill. 



Do Design Firm participants have to contact "box" sponsors on their own? 


No, Save A Sample! contacts sponsors for you. Simply include us the name and contact info of at least 5 potential sponsors on your sign up form. We then contact the sponsors on behalf of your firm, fully explaining the event. We recommend participants who want to win one of Save A Sample!'s great prizes follow-up with their sponsors to ensure a donation is made.


Who should I look to for "box" sponsorship? 


"Box" sponsors can be anyone you have a good relationship with (i.e. manufacturer reps) can be considered a potential "box" "sponsor.


**Be sure the representative at least knows who you are, or they are not likely to donate on your behalf.




Are "box" sponsors obligated to support if asked?


"Box" sponsorship is not mandatory. Many reps receive requests from multiple design firms and must limit which firms they can support. 


Is there a limit on the number of firms a "box" sponsor can support? 


No.  A "box" sponsor can support as many firms as their budget allows.



What forms of payment do you accept for pledges?


SpecSimple accepts MasterCard, VISA, American Express, and checks. Checks should be made out to Save A Sample! and mailed to PO Box, 340, Great Neck, NY 11022


As an A&D participant, can I have my donations picked up before (or after) the Save A Sample! is scheduled?


No. Unfortunately, Save A Sample! does not own its own trucks. The furniture dealers and installers who participate in Save A Sample! have volunteered their services and are only available during the days specified for the event.



Can people other than A&D participants donate materials to the Save A Sample!?


Yes. Manufacturers or representatives who wish to donate materials are welcome to participate in Save A Sample! Please note: non-design firms must accompany their material donations with a minimum of $250 to the Save A Sample! scholarship fund. Manufacturers who wish to donate samples to schools in more than one event location must donate a minimum of $250 per event location.


Do I have to be present at the celebration in New York City to win a prize? (New York participants only).


Yes, the purpose of the Save A Sample! Celebration is to celebrate the efforts of our industry participants. If you are unable to attend the Celebration, you will need to send a representative on your behalf to claim your prize (make sure your representative RSVPs). If you can't attend and don't have a representative, then your prize will go to the next "Boxer" in line.

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